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20% Off on All PINK color arrangements. Use the PINK promo code.

The Best Florist in Glendale – 10 Floral Arrangements from Flowers by Margo

Are you looking for the best florist in Glendale to order flowers? Look no further than Flowers by Margo! Specializing in unique and creative floral arrangements, we are sure to offer something unique that suits your needs. Whether it’s a gift for a special someone or a decoration for an event, Flowers by Margo has the perfect bouquet to make any occasion memorable. Here are ten of our most popular flower arrangements that will be sure to add beauty and life to any room.

Daisies Basket

This delightful arrangement contains daisies in shades of yellow, pink, and white arranged in a beautiful basket with ribbon accents. Perfect as a gift or simply as a fun addition to any home, this Daisies Basket by Flowers by Margo is sure to be a perfect choice.


Marble Box with Roses and Orchids

This unique floral arrangement contains roses and orchids in shades of pink, white, and purple arranged in a marble box. It’s a great way to add elegance to any setting, whether that’s for a special occasion or just for everyday décor.


Lady In Red

This stunning bouquet consists of bright red roses paired with delicate white anemones wrapped in satin ribbon. The perfect gift for someone special in your life, this Lady In Red arrangement is sure to make them feel loved!


Pink or Blue Cradle

Celebrate the arrival of a new baby with this adorable arrangement! The Pink or Blue Cradle contains pink and blue flowers, such as roses and carnations, arranged in a cradle-shaped box. It’s sure to be a memorable gift for any new parents.


Bouquet of Roses and Carnations

This beautiful bouquet consists of pale pink roses paired with beautiful pink carnations. Perfect as a gift or to add a touch of color to any room, this Bouquet of Roses and Carnations is sure to bring joy to any space.


Bouquet of Peach Flowers

This vibrant bouquet is a mix of different flowers in white and peach colors. Whether it’s for your own home or as a gift, the Bouquet of Peach Flowers from Flowers by Margo will surely be appreciated!


Bouquet of Sunflowers

Brighten up any space with this cheerful bouquet consisting of sunny yellow sunflowers. A great way to show someone you care, the Bouquet of Sunflowers from Flowers by Margo will certainly make them smile.


Box With Love

Show your love with this beautiful arrangement! The Box With Love contains a mix of pastel-colored flowers arranged in a heart-shaped box. It’s sure to make any special occasion even more memorable.


Piano Box

Make any room feel luxurious with this unique Piano Box from Flowers by Margo. The box is filled with an assortment of beautiful flowers and comes complete with fresh macaroons for added sweetness. Everyone will be impressed!


Oval Flower Box With Champagne

Celebrate in style with the Oval Flower Box With Champagne! This box includes a mix of white, pink, and purple flowers along with a bottle of Pink Moscato for extra celebration. Whether it’s for a milestone event or just for any special occasion, this flower arrangement will definitely add some fun and flair to the day.


The Best Florist in Glendale – Next-day delivery

Flower by Margo is a premier florist in Glendale offering stunning arrangements, creative designs, and fast next-day delivery services in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Our talented team of professional florists has years of experience in creating beautiful floral arrangements for any occasion. We are committed to providing the highest quality of floral designs, and use only the freshest flowers to ensure your arrangement is perfect. Our selection of flowers includes traditional and modern varieties, as well as unique and exotic species.

When you need flowers for an event or a gift, be sure to check out Flowers by Margo florist in Glendale. Our unique and creative floral arrangements offer something special that’s perfect for any occasion! With ten of the most popular bouquets listed above, you are sure to find something that will make your next experience with Flowers by Margo even more memorable. Order online today or give us a call to learn more about our services and what we can do for you!

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